Discipline is an integral part of the educational mission of the school. The foremost responsibility of the teachers and staff is to create a safe environment where learning can occur. Students, parents, and staff need to work together to maintain order and discipline on the campus. The DIS Conduct and Discipline program reflects a firm commitment to respecting and safeguarding human dignity and a desire to help students realize their full potential.
Personal Responsibility
Every student must take responsibility for his/her proper behavior. Likewise, a student must also take responsibility for inappropriate actions and accept the consequences. The school seeks the support and cooperation of the parents in working with students in all aspects of school life. For violations not specified in the Student Handbook, students and parents have to abide by the decisions made by the administration and faculty. Should disciplinary action be necessary, the following persons will be involved in the process:
- Teacher/Staff Involved
- Homeroom Teacher
- Prefect(s) of Discipline
- Administrators
- Vice-Principal
- Principal
- School Counselor(s)
School Hours
Days | Time |
Mondays to Fridays | 07:55 to 15:35 |
All students must be present in class before 07:55 to participate in the Morning Prayers. On Mondays all students are required to attend the Assembly at 08:00.
If a student arrives at school any time between 7:55 and 9:00 s/he will be considered tardy. If a student arrives at school between 9:00 and 12:00, it is considered as half a day absent. Any student who arrives at school after 12:00 is considered absent for the day.
School-wide prayers, including the morning prayers and the Angelus, should be respected. All classroom activities stop and students stand while the prayers are being said.
Dress Code
- Students must wear uniforms at all times, except on special occasions announced by the School Administration.
- Only white underclothing should be worn under uniform shirts or blouses. No printed t-shirts are allowed.
- Girls are not allowed to wear more than one pair of, or dangling, adult earrings. Earrings can only be worn in earlobes. No earrings are allowed on any other part of a student’s ear. No earrings are allowed for boys. No nose rings, tongue rings, eyebrow rings or lip rings are allowed for boys or girls. Nail enamel, make-up, and unnatural hair colors are also prohibited. Large rings and other ornate jewelry are not allowed for girls or boys.
- Boys’ haircut: The forehead must be seen. The hair must be short at the back and sides (should not cover the ears and/or collar) and the hairstyle is expected to be modest. No hair gel is allowed.
- All students: No asymmetrical hair styles or shaven heads are allowed. Students are no allowed to have unnatural hair colors (e.g. blue, green, pink and gray).
- Sports shoes/sneakers are not permitted, except with P.E. uniforms.
- All students are expected to wear P.E. uniforms and predominantly white or black sports shoes/sneakers, during their P.E. classes.
- All students are prohibited to have tattoo/s, either temporary or permanent, on any part of the body. No visible piercings are allowed.
- Middle and High School students must enter and exit the school campus in their complete uniform. No student is allowed to wear his/her P.E. uniform outside of P.E. lessons, or at dismissal time when leaving campus for home.
- Student I.D. should be worn at all times while on campus
Guidelines and Rules
The student handbook will serve as a tool for students and parents in an effort to become familiar with discipline policies and procedures. In addition to listing school rules, the handbook will serve as a communication link between school and home. Parents are encouraged to become familiar with school policies. For rules not specified in the student handbook, students have to abide by the decisions made by the administration and faculty.
Laws about Gender Equity & Sexual Harassment
- Act of Gender Equality in Employment
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Act
- Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act
- Gender Equity Education Act
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted, uninvited sexual attention. It may involve remarks, gestures or actions of a sexual nature that make a person feel unsafe or uncomfortable, including electronically transmitted acts - i.e., cyberbullying, through the use of internet, cell phone, or any other electronic device.
- unwanted, unwelcome physical contact like touching, grabbing or patting
- rude jokes or suggestive remarks of a sexual nature
- demeaning nicknames, for example chick, sexy, stud, hunk or babe
- cat calls, rating or embarrassing whistles
- insulting remarks about sexual orientation
- sexually insulting remarks about race, gender, ability or class
- bragging about sexual prowess for others to hear/ see, or on an Internet site
- stalking
- Talk to the Prefect of Discipline or the School Counselor
- Submit a written and signed statement to the Prefect of Discipline
- This statement has to contain the following:
- the complainant’s name and in the case of an employee, the job title
- the date and location
- the complainant’s phone number
- a description of the incident
- Inform the Prefect of Discipline immediately
- The school will call on the assistance of a doctor and psychologist immediately to support the victim
- The appropriate government agency will be notified and called immediately
- Crisis Management Team
- Counselling Team
The procedure is the same as for serious bullying
- No employee’s contract will be terminated, until a thorough investigation had been done according to procedure
- Both parties shall keep all the information confidential
Right to appeal in writing within twenty days.
Reasons for appeal
- the decision is not acceptable
- the Committee was illegal
- evidence was falsified
- witnesses could have given false statements
- the alleged perpetrator finds new evidence to exonerate him/herself
- evidence that was ignored can change the decision
- Consensual romantic relations between students and faculty/ staff are strictly forbidden.
- No employee’s contract will be terminated, until a thorough investigation was done, which followed the procedure as described above.
Attendance System
This system is used to track student attendance. Parents/guardians will receive notifications on the DIS TAIPEI APP. They will be able to know when students swipe their I.D.'s before 08:15 AM. Students will also use their I.D.'s for lunch orders. Parents will receive a message when students use the I.D. to eat lunch at school.
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Prefect of Discipline
Ms. Rebecca Wu
MS/HS Prefect of Discipline for Girls
+886 (02) 2533 8451 Ext. 205
Mr. Tank Tien
MS/HS Prefect of Discipline for boys
+886 (02) 2533 8451 Ext. 202
Mr. Mervin Villaroya
LS Prefect of Discipline for Boys
+886 (02) 2533 8451 Ext. 212
Useful Links