
The school provides education for foreign students, regardless of race, color and creed, from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, including Advanced Placement.


It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to inform the school of any changes in citizenship status or contact information. Omission or falsification of information will be considered sufficient reason for rejection of any application. Below you will find important admission policies:

  1. A student will be admitted provided that there is space available in the particular grade level.
  2. Students must hold an updated and valid foreign passport. A Passport Verification Certificate from the immigration agency or embassy as proof of authenticity is required.
  3. The student does not have any unresolved disciplinary issues or emotional problems in previous schools.
  4. No application/admission for Grade 12.
  1. Students are placed in the appropriate grade indicated by their school records.
  2. September 1st is followed as the age cut–off date in accordance with the age placement policy of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. High school students should graduate before the age of 20.
  3. For Pre-Kindergarten, the entry age is 4 years old.
  4. DIS reserves the right to place applicants in the appropriate grade level and assign subjects deemed most suitable for the student's experience/performance indicated by their school records.
  5. A student should demonstrate the ability to benefit from our school’s academic program, at the appropriate grade level as determined by interviews, tests and their school records.
  1. Each application for admission to the school will be considered on an individual basis.
  2. Passing the written entrance examination for admission to Dominican International School does not assure automatic acceptance, but it is only one criterion in a series of assessments. Other documents/data reviewed include official school records, recommendation letters, English language proficiency assessment results, and an interview with the guidance counselor or admission committee.
  3. Waitlisted students will be placed based on the following criteria.
    • Date of Application
    • Entrance Exam - Pass / Fail
    • Siblings currently enrolled
  1. Proficiency in English is essential for academic success at DIS; therefore students should demonstrate grade level appropriate language.
  2. Students with low English proficiency might be admitted if there is reasonable probability that they will be performing at their appropriate age/grade level within a year of admittance.
  3. The school does not typically place students with low English proficiency needs below the grade level indicated on their school records. The principal, however, has the right to make a final decision regarding grade level placement. The following factors are considered: age, maturity, academic ability, and previous school performance.
  1. DIS does not offer a special education/needs program. The school reserves the right to withdraw a student’s enrollment within the first month, should we establish that the student has special needs that were not disclosed during the application process. This includes information regarding grades, discipline/behavior issues.
  2. During the admissions process, if it is suspected that a student may have special needs, parents may be asked to have the student screened by a qualified clinical psychologist at their own expense. The admission process will only continue after results of such screening are received and examined.
  3. During the semester, if it is suspected that a student may have special needs, parents may be asked to have the student screened by a qualified clinical psychologist at their own expense. The student’s eligibility to continue the next school year will be determined after results of such screening are received and examined.
  4. An evaluation of the student’s eligibility to continue the next school year will be done annually for students who are receiving direct services; to determine if the school can continue to meet their educational needs.
  1. Please note a one-year residency is required for promoting (Gr. 5) and Graduating (Kindergarten, Gr. 8) classes, therefore only FIRST semester applications will be processed.
  2. Students enrolled in DIS must live with a parent, guardian, or an adult designated by the parent or guardian. Failure to abide by this regulation will result in termination of enrollment. For all students not living with their parents, a form must be submitted by the parent to the principal designating a legal guardian for the student.
  1. Qualified applicants are placed under Waitlisted when there is NO SPACE available in the selected grade level.
  2. A Waitlisted Agreement Form will be filled out by the student and parent.
  3. Waitlisted status expires on the last day of enrollment.
  4. Waitlisted student needs to reapply for the next semester after its expiration.

For more information please contact:

Coney Catalan-Pido, M.A. Ed.
Registrar / Admission Officer
76 Tah Chih Street, Taipei 10464, Taiwan
+886 (02) 2533 8451 Ext. 204
(FAX) +886 (02) 2533-0914

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