
The school provides education for foreign students, regardless of race, color and creed, from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, including Advanced Placement.

Downloadable Forms

Application Form (Submit pages 4 to 7 only)

Recommendation Form (to be completed by current teachers in English Version)

Health Record Form (please go to Student Services - Health and Safety page or click here)

Admission Requirements and Procedure

Admission Requirements

Application Procedure

Course Curriculum

Course Curriculum 2022-2023

Course Curriculum 2023-2024

Course Curriculum 2024-2025

School Profile

School Profile SY 2017-2018

School Profile SY 2018-2019

School Profile SY 2019-2020

School Profile SY 2020-2021

School Profile SY 2021-2022

School Profile SY 2022-2023

School Profile SY 2023-2024

School Profile SY 2024-2025

Admission Process

Registration for the First Semester takes place from the second week of February for all students. Lower School students are able to apply until the end of the second week of the new semester. Registration closes at the end of the first week of the new semester for all Middle and High School students. Second Semester registration begins in October and closes first week of January.

For more information please contact:

Ms. Greta Chen
Registrar Assistant
+886 (02) 2533 8451 Ext. 204
(FAX) +886 (02) 2533-0914
Coney Catalan-Pido, M.A. Ed.
Registrar / Admission Officer
+886 (02) 2533 8451 Ext. 204
(FAX) +886 (02) 2533-0914

Procedures for Application for Admission

One Read and fill out the APPLICATION FORM carefully (submit pages 4 to 7 only) . For students applying for Grade 5 and higher, there is a section to write an essay based on prompts. To enable us to accurately gauge his/her English proficiency, please let the student complete this section without help.

Note: A one-year residency is required for promoting (Gr. 5) and Graduating (Kindergarten, Gr. 8) classes, therefore only FIRST semester applications will be processed. No application/admission for Grade 12.

Complete all the admission requirements (downloadable from DIS website) and forward the COMPLETED documents to DIS. Applications will not be processed unless all documents are complete. Only original documents will be accepted by the Office of the Registrar. Complete all the requirements and forward the documents to:

                    The Registrar/Admission Officer
                    Dominican International School
                    76 Tah Chih St. Taipei
                    10464, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Two A date for the entrance test will be scheduled by the Registrar. The applicant should arrive at least 15 minutes before the test starts to allow the Registrar to check the documents.
Each application for admission to the school will be considered on an individual basis. All applicants are required to take an aptitude test before admittance. Passing the written entrance examination for admission to Dominican International School does not assure automatic acceptance, but it is only one criterion in a series of assessments. Other documents/data reviewed include official school records, recommendation letters, English language proficiency assessment results, and an interview with the guidance counselor or admission committee. Results will be communicated within 3-5 working days. For more information regarding the test, please view the table below:
Test Content and Duration
Grade LevelWritten Examination ContentSpeaking SkillsTime (Duration of Exam)
Pre-School (K1 & K2)English Vocabulary and School Readiness SkillsInterviewApproximately 40 minutes
Lower-School (1st Grade - 5th Grade)English Vocabulary and ComprehensionInterviewApproximately 2 hours
Middle & High School (6th Grade - 10th Grade)English Reading Test, Sentence Completion Test and MathematicsInterviewApproximately 2 to 3 hours
Note:Only if the student meets the requirements for admission, s/he will continue with Step 3.
Three The Registrar will send the Acceptance Letter and the School General Information Pack through e-mail. At this time a parent interview will be scheduled. During the interview, parent(s) and administrators will discuss parent involvement and school policies. Parent(s) will also meet the school nurse at this time. After the interviews, submit the signed Acceptance Letter and the last page of the School General Information Pack and any outstanding documents to the Registrar. The Treasurer’s Office will then issue a Placement and Registration Fee Slip containing the student ID number.
Four Proceed to the Cashier to submit the official receipt “FOR SCHOOL” as proof of placement and registration fees. If all documents are complete, the Cashier will issue the Final School Fee Slip. After making the payment, please submit the official receipt “FOR SCHOOL” as proof of payment to the Treasurer’s Office for validation. Next, buy school uniform, supplies, or order lunch with the Property Custodian. Proceed to the Registrar to receive an official enrollment slip.
Note: Booking bus services are done directly with the bus company. Click here.
Lunch services click here for booking.